On The Air Waves

Back in 1998 I loved watching Television. Every Night at 5:30 I watched a show called "The Waves of TV" It was a animated show about teaching kids aged 5-11 about how television shows are aired. There was 389 episodes but there is a missing one. 390th episode is the missing one. The 389th episode took a dark turn. It showed how and episode takes to make. It showed a person named Fod Dead with a machete. He then stabbed a director and saying "LEARN TO MAKE THE SHOW RIGHT FU**ING IDIOT!!!" And then it cut to static. It then showed a dead producer with a carve in his chest saying "I hate You" then Fod Dead was staring into the camera. Then the episode ended. We had OVER 9000 (sorry I had to) parents calling because of the episode was disturbing. My dad called too because I was on the floor crying. Now I seen The REAL final episode. The 390th ep had Fod Dead on a rampage killing all the directors etc etc. Then Fod set up his episode. He had all killed guys hung from strings on a roof and sliced them to bits. Then He said "Your Next" Then it cut tostatic and ended . When The Cops found this tape they buried it under The Great Desert. All traces of Fod and the show was removed. You can't find on the internet. The only person who saw it was me and the cops. It was only aired in the town/city Washington D.C. but Fod Remains somewhere.